Montag, 29. September 2014


Was tut man eigentlich, wenn man sich bei der Hochzeit nicht auf einen Namen einigen kann und jeder seinen eigenen Familiennamen beibehalten möchte?

Diese Frage habe ich mir tatsächlich gestellt. Was folgte war eine lustige Überlegung...Im Wandel der Zeit könnte es ja auch diesbezüglich Veränderungen geben. Bis ich das Heiratsalter erreicht habe wäre es vielleicht schon so weit, dass es erlaubt wäre die Familiennamen beliebig zu mixen; also quasi einen Namens-Remix zu kreieren.
Ich fuhr meinen Gedankengang fort und überlegte mir schon einen Namen für mich und meinen Freund. Als ich dann etwas passendes gefunden hatte kam mir bereits die nächste Idee: Die Namen der zukünftigen Kinder aus unseren Vornamen zusammenzumixen.

Hier seht ihr das Ergebnis:

Wenn ihr auch so einen Namens-Remix haben wollt, selbst aber nicht kreativ genug seid, dann schickt mir eure Namen und ich schau mal was ich daraus basteln kann... :)

Samstag, 27. September 2014


Foto: Conny Koob

Liebe Kölner,
im Rahmen eines künstlerischen Projektes für die Uni Köln brauchen Sara, Melisa und ich dringend eure aktive Unterstützung. Wie diese aussehen soll?
Bitte besucht unsere Facebook-Seite namens WANTED in KALK  und lasst dort euren Gedanken zum Thema Kalk freien Lauf. Was WÜNSCHT ihr euch in und für KALK? Was FEHLT? Was STÖRT euch?
Diese Seite dient als digitale Meckerbox.

In dem Sinne: Shhhhhhh........OUT it all OUT!

Montag, 1. September 2014

Interview: Katerina Kamprani - The Uncomfortable

I had the pleasure to make a quick interview with the greek artist Katerina Kamprani about her project called The Uncomfortable which is a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects.

What inspired you to start your project called The Uncomfortable? Was life actually getting too comfortable for you or how did the idea to create a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects come to your mind?

Life was getting too uncomfortable I would say! I quit my job in architecture to pursue a different career and after some failed attempts to study industrial design and then to make it in the advertising industry, I again made a decision to quit my dreams and go back to work as an architect, mainly for financial reasons. Shortly after that, with the knowledge I gained from my experiences and a bitter point of view in life I started the project. There was not a specific thing that inspired me, it was a mixture of things brewing in my mind for a long time.

How long did it take you to finish your first uncomfortable object and what was it? Does it exist in reality or is it just animated?

It first one was not an object, it started more on the architectural point of view. It was a sketch of an open door leading to a bathroom. It was elevated 2m from the floor and in order to go to the bathroom you had to use a boarding ladder. This took 5 minutes to do. My first 3d was an uncomfortable bathtub and it took some hours. None of these exist in reality!

With which 3-d-animation program did you work? Had you already used it before?
I use 3dsmax and Vray. I work in an architectural firm for a living where I often do architectural visualizations so I have a big experience on this. But working on the Uncomfortable helped my modelling skills and my product rendering skills a lot!

Your project has big success, people like your work. Did you ever expect that people from all over the world would get to know The Uncomfortable?

I had no idea this would ever happen! At some point, I was working on it on a more serious level and I wanted to promote it somehow. I did an effort of writing a text about it, which was the most difficult thing for me to do. I was ready to send it to some design blogs that I follow, but my fear of failure got over me and I never send it. Shortly after that I started having likes and attention out of nowhere and up until now I am watching the project take off on its own. It is amazing!

Even Ashton Kutcher shared your project on social networking sites this week. How does it feel like to know that he enjoyed looking at your creation of everyday objects?

I had no idea! Aston Kutcher??? Amazing! I am glad he liked it!

Is/Was it possible to take a look at The Uncomfortable at any exhibitions? If not, would you like to do it?

I have participated in some exhibitions, mainly with prints. I would really like to do a big one, with actual objects!

Did this project somehow change or influence your life? 

Well, I did get the opportunity to travel to Milan and exhibit in an event for the design week there, so maybe my life is changing a bit! But my everyday life is still the same the only thing that changed is that I spend a lot of time now answering on messages and interview questions.

What are your plans for the future?

That is a difficult question! I have so many things in my mind, but I have to combine everything with making some money for a living. And doing that in Greece is not very easy right now, so I am planning some things like an exhibition but nothing is set for sure.

What would be your advice for young artists?

Oh. Am I in a point where I can give advice? That is flattering! Well, I would say keep on trying, even after everything fails! In my point of view, creative people need to create and the more they do it, the better they get at it. Mainly because when you produce something , yourself and others have a chance to see it and criticise it. This gives a better chance at evolving I think!

My final question is a bit off topic, but I hope you’ll answer it too: How would you describe my blog in 3 words?

I would say romantic, creative and honest!

Take a look at to see more pictures :)